Thursday, September 20, 2012

Golden Jubilee Celebration

Daga Higher Secondary School celebrated its 50 years on 17 September 2012 by inaugurating an altar and launching a golden jubilee magazine.  The Golden Jubilee Celebration was graced by Sherig Lyonpo.

Dagana higher secondary school started as a primary school with about 150 students and three teachers (including the headmaster) in 1962. It was upgraded to junior high school in 1982 and later to a middle secondary in 2000. In 2009, it became a higher secondary school. Today, the school has 537 students, 26 teachers and 19 non-teaching staff.
Students' performance in full swing

The programme started at 8:15 am with the gathering of teachers and students. Although the day was gloomy, the cultural items brightened the day. It brought smiles on the faces of the crowd. Despite the heavy rain, hundreds of spectators gathered to be a part of the celebration.

 Lyonpo Thakur S Powdyel also awarded certificates from His Majesty the King to toppers of Dagana schools in the academic year 2011.
Inauguration of School magazine

Inauguration of Altar and school magazine followed the cultural items. Souvenirs were awarded to the alumni of Daga HSS. Alumni also paid tribute to their teacher, Mr. Dungchen.

Inauguration of souvenir
Sherig Lyonpo in action
School Fete added more live to the celebration. It attracted hundreds of people. Young people didn’t mind playing in the rain, while old enjoyed the cultural programmes. Even the guest including our Sherig Lyonpo enjoyed playing different games.

Towards the end of the celebration, rain did stop. The day became livelier. All of us were thrilled, exhausted, tired yet satisfied and happy. The celeb ration was a big success.

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