Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Daga Higher Secondary School started a Rolling Trophy Football.  Our main purpose for organizing this tournament was a part of the “Golden Jubilee” celebration of this school. And also to popularized it in the locality and develop its love in you and me, especially the young sport lovers in the locality and country at large. Nine teams were registered from as far as Drujeygang and Dagapela. Dasho Dzongdag and Dzongrab of Dagana Dzongkhag were both football enthusiasts. They also came up with two different teams.
The opening of the First match was graced by Dasho Drangpon of Dagana on 26 July 2012. The match was played League cum knock out. Total of 19 matches were played. The final was played on 5 August 2012(Sunday) between DHSS Students and Dzongkhag Finance team. Hundreds of spectators came to witness the match. It was a very interesting match to watch. DHSS students won the tournament with 2:1 score at the end of the 90 minutes.

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